
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Location: Eastern Europe

Language: Bulgarian

Population: 7.1 million


We are set to reach Bulgaria in October! Here is a little of what I’ve learned about Bulgaria…


Bulgaria has become a huge source, transit and destination country for people subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. This country is a primary source for trafficking in all of Eastern Europe. 

Nearly one-third of Bulgaria is covered in forests and mountains! 

I read about a woman named Rayna Kasabova and she was an Air Force aviator and was the first woman in the WORLD to participate in military flight! WHAT! I LOVE HER!

They are known as the Land of Roses. 

Bulgarians are WILD! They nod their heads up and down to mean “no” and shake their heads side to side to mean “yes.” I am already expecting some interesting stories…


As I was researching about Bulgaria I learned that the country is filled with brilliant people. They actually have the highest amount of Mensa members in the whole world (if you don’t know what Mensa is, it’s basically a cool kids club for people with really high IQs)! These people are intelligent as heck and long for knowledge. They hunger for more. How cool that we can introduce them to the one person who can satisfy their deepest longings?


Please join me in praying for Bulgaria!


Dear Jesus, 

Bulgaria is amazing! I can see the time and detail and love you have put into creating the beautiful mountains and incredible people! You have already planned out our course in Bulgaria, you know who we will meet, you know what conversations we will have. Start to prepare my squad for those interactions. Give us the boldness to proclaim your glory and gospel. I think about Acts 4 when you say, “But everything they did was determined beforehand according to your will. And now, O lord, hear their threats, and give us your servants great boldness in preaching your word.” We are your servants! We want to live our month out in Bulgaria so that we might make much of Your name, not ours. Use your healing hands and great power to do works that are far greater than any we could imagine. Let us declare who you are with boldness! Thank you in advance for the amazing things you are going to do in us and through us! Love you.
