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I am thrilled to introduce you to my lovely teammates! This month our city had the cutest buildings and colorful doors, so we each picked our favorite and had a photoshoot! I hope you get to know them a little better…



Charla – our fearless Team Leader 

Hometown: Milford, Delaware 

Age: 29 years old

Profession: Kindergarten Teacher 

Fun Fact: She was a wedding photographer for two years



Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida

Age: 23 years old

Fun fact: She is a sign language interpreter 

Funny quote: “Hey look there’s my friend” *talking about a cat down the road*




Hometown: Albany, Texas

Age: 23 years old

Random talent: She burps like a teenage boy…it’s really impressive 

Fun fact: Kat sings the wrong lyrics to every song – ex: “I’ll be your crying soldier” 




Hometown: Madison, South Dakota

Age: 21 years old (youngest person on the squad) 

Fun Fact: Before the race, Hunter lived in Hawaii 

Funny quote: “Yo vivo en el bano” (translates to “I live in the bathroom”)




Hometown: Lake Charles, Louisiana

Age: 24 years old

Funny story: A couple months ago, Matt got dared to shave his beard and he did it! He hadn’t been clean-shaven in three years!

Fun fact: The World Race is his first time outside of the U.S. 




Together we make up Team Sozo. We got the team name from a book a few of us read called “One Thousand Gifts.” It says, Many translations render sozo as being made “well” or “whole,” but its literal meaning, I read it – “to save.” Sozo means salvation. It means true wellness, complete wholeness. To live sozo is to live the full life. Jesus came that we might live life to the full; He came to give us sozo.

Jesus came to give me sozo AND Team Sozo! And I am sozo grateful for them! (see what I did there? hehe) 


Please pray for us as a team! Community is so hard, and it’s even harder when you live together, eat together, and breathe together! Fun and laughter come so easy to this team, but we want to be intentional about unity! Please be praying for the unity, the love, and the grace this team has for each other! 



Thank you for reading my blog! It means so much to me. 


I want to invite you to make my journey, your journey. Here are three simple ways: 

  1. The most important, PRAY. Community. Intimacy. Mission. 

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6 responses to “Team Sozo”

  1. Emily I think it’s so wonderful what you are doing. I think of you often and will keep your whole team in my prayers.
    Your mom keeps me updated on your whereabouts. I have a hard time navigating instagram to follow you and Maddy
    Love you

  2. Thank you for sharing your adventure and thoughts. I really appreciate and enjoy your posts. It’s great to get to know Team Sozo. Keeping you all in my prayers! Love you??

  3. Thank you for sharing your adventure and thoughts. I really appreciate and enjoy your posts. It’s great to get to know Team Sozo. Keeping you all in my prayers! Love you!!