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Thoughts & Inspiration

Well HOWDYYY!! (all my Ags respond HOOOWWDDDYY)

Whether you already know me or not, welcome! I hope this page helps you get a good idea of who I am and what I’m about. 


1. If you head to insta and check out the hashtag #emilyjumps you will find some pictures that look like this. I like adventures. I LOVE the bean. 

2. I am from the great state of Texas. As a proud Texan, I will fight with you if you think you know good barbecue. 

3. I am a proud former student of Texas A&M and I love it with all of my heart. I am proud to call myself an Aggie! WHOOP

4. I was once in a music video with my good pal Ben Rector. It was a time.

5. My squad mentor beat me in a bet that resulted in me giving up Coke for my whole Race!! So of course I replaced one habit with another and now I drink coffee…hahaha

6. I am 100% for the gr-outfit movement (all-grey-outfit) 

7. I am 23 years old. That sounds so old to me, but I am definitely still a kid. 

8. I could eat s’mores every day for the rest of my life. No joke. 

9. I am an INFJ personality type. If you read through the description on it is preeetty accurate. 


I can’t think of a tenth so we will settle the fun facts there. 

The World Race was an opportunity and environment for me to radically change the way I live my life, the way I love people, and the way I interact with God. It was the most challenging thing I’ve ever done in my life, and the most rewarding. 

God is so weird and He doesn’t make sense sometimes, but I’ve gotten to lean into His goodness, His faithfulness, His trustworthiness. I’ve now had to raise $21,000. I’ve travelled to over 11 countries, navigating new foods and cultures and customs. I’ve shared everything from a bed to my deepest heart cries with other people who are trying to figure out this life thing too. All by the grace of God. 

The World Race has been an answered prayer for me. I never saw myself going into a typical job after I graduated college. I knew that my 20s were the perfect time to do something CRAZY and adventurous. I also knew that I wanted to help people. It’s so important to me to be doing work that people are benefiting from. The World Race is a perfect place to do both of those things, and it has been absolutely insane to see God’s plan for me unfold. It’s bigger and better than I could’ve ever imagined. 

Hopefully you know a little more about me! If you have any questions or want to talk don’t hesitate to click on the “Contact” button on the tab to the left. 


Love y’all, 
